Sep 01, 2019NEWS

Announcement of Product Safety Voluntary Action Guidelines

Toyo Jidoki Co., Ltd. has established the following Product Safety Voluntary Action Guidelines.
We will continue to comply with laws, safety and global environment concerns.

「Product Safety Voluntary Action Guidelines」

Toyo Jidoki Co., Ltd.:
   ・In full consideration of safety and global environment concerns, will employ user and climate friendly manufacturing processes and;
   ・Instill and maintain user confidence in the quality of the products we supply.
We will work to ensure product safety as follows according to guidelines established by the government.

1 Legal compliance
    1) Comply with domestic and foreign laws, safety standards and self-management systems related to product safety.
    2) Provide employees with education and training to ensure awareness and compliance with our obligations.
2 Establish quality assurance system to ensure product safety
    In order to ensure product safety, will conduct appropriate quality control processes and strive to improve these processes at each stage of the product lifecycle; from product planning through to product decommissioning.
3 Realization of product safety design
    By conducting risk assessment of products through the development and design stages, we will provide products that are safe, reliable and satisfy product safety designs.
4 Response to product failures and collection of information
    1) When a failure is recognized, we will take measures to include repair of products and a notice of recall of parts in cooperation with our sales and distribution network to prevent additional occurrences of the failures.
    2) We will issue a system for quickly collecting information on product failures.
5 Maintenance and improvement of product safety
    Regular checks to include internal audits will be conducted to verify product safety and to confirm compliance with relevant laws and regulations are being carried out appropriately.


Akiyoshi Kitamura,
President Toyo Jidoki Co., Ltd.
September 1st, 2019